Applied Medical Image & Data Analysis Lab


Welcome to the website of our research group 

Lab Maros & Wenz

Introduction & Mission statement

In medicine we generate vast amounts of data on a daily basis. However, the manner in which it is obtained is, for the most part, unstructured and therefore rarely ready to be utilized to retrieve valuable insights or synthesize new knowledge. Text and Images are the two classical outputs/pillars of diagnostic medical (especially radiological) data. Furthermore, high-throughput genomic assay technologies are becoming indispensable in state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making. 

The objective of our new research group is to combine these facets of information and exploit the recent advancement and renaissance of machine learning and deep learning algorithms with the aim to improve the accuracy and depth of radiological diagnostic processes as well as the quality and information content of our reports. 

Through such efforts, our ultimate goal (and hope) is to work towards safer personalized and more effective patient care while strengthening the role of radiologists in the future. 

Recent publications & preprints

Recent Event>

10th European Stroke Organisation Conference (ESOC 2024) 

05/15 - 05/17/2024

Rainstorms with a splash of blood: machine learning-based predictive analytics for hemorrhagic stroke admissions based on weather systems 

Poster presentation, P0165 Epidemiology & Risk Factors, 2024-05-16 

Recent Event>

GeMTeX: Large Language Modelling Workshop05/14 - 05/17/2024

LLMs for radiological report summarization 

Oral presentation, GeMTex LLM Workshop, Leipzig, Germany, 2024-05-14 

Past Events (2017-2024

> ESOC 2024, Basel, Switzerland

M.E: Maros*, N. Santhanam*, Stefan Muthers, Andreas Bender, David Ruegamer, Franz-Simon Centner, H. Wenz, M. Neumaier, F. Siegel 
P0165, Epidemiology & Risk Factors, 2024-05-16 

> ASNR 2023, Chicago, IL, USA

> ECR 2023, Vienna, Austria

N. Santhanam MSc, F. Siegel MD, T. Ganslandt, C. Groden MD, M.E. Maros MD, MSc
RPS 2105, AI in stroke and neurovascular imaging, 2023-03-04 16:00 - 17:30

> DGNR 2021, Kassel -  56. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neuroradiologie e.V. 

  • Machine learning on top of deep learning-based brain volumetry segmentation to support neuroradiologists in diagnosing neurodegenerative disorders
Cho GC , Hausner L, Förster A, Groden C, Wenz H, Maros ME
State of the Art - Neurodegeneration, Best-of-Abstract Power Pitch, 10:10-10:15, 10/8/2021

> DGNR 2019, Frankfurt -  54. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neuroradiologie e.V. 

Junge, AG, Cho GC , Saase, V, Kämpgen B,  Groden C, Ganslandt T, Wenz H, Maros ME.
Oral presentation. Forschung: Zerebrovaskulär und anderes, 8:30-10:00, 10/12/2019
Junge, AG, Cho GC , Saase, V, Kämpgen B,  Förster A, Böhme J, Groden C, Ganslandt T, Wenz H, Maros ME.
Poster Presentation. Posterbegehungen IX (KI & Neuroonkologie), 8:30-9:30, 10/12/2019

**Breaking news: the work received the poster prize of the KI & Neuroonkologie poster session.**

Weyer V, Maros ME, Kronfeld A, Kirschner S, Groden C, Sommer C, Tanyildizi Y, Kramer M, Brockmann MA.
Poster Presentation. Posterbegehung II (Interventional II), 14:15 - 15:15, 10/10/2019

> ASNR 2019, Boston, MA, USA - 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) 

ME Maros, CG Cho, A Förster, A von Deimling, M Seiz-Rosenhagen, D Hänggi, Christoph Groden, Holger Wenz Oral presentation, ASNR Boston, May 20, 2019.

> ECR 2019, Vienna, Austria

ME Maros, F Siegel, B Kämpgen, P Sodmann, W Sommer, SO Schönberg, T Henzler, C Groden, H Wenz 7788, Imaging Informatics - SS 205 - Intelligent dose and quality management, 2/27 2019; Link.

> DGNR 2018, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

ME Maros, CG Cho, A Förster, A von Deimling, M Seiz-Rosenhagen, D Hänggi, Christoph Groden, Holger Wenz Oral presentation & Poster - Künstliche Intelligenz: Big Data, Deutsche Gesellschaft f. Neuroradiologie (DGNR), 10/6 2018; Link.

> ASNR 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada - 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) 

M Maros, A Förster, M Alzghloul, E Neumaier-Probst, C Cho, J Böhme, C Groden, H Wenz O-283, Parallel Paper Session: Deep Learning Techniques and Methods 15E, 6/5 2018, 3:00pm-4:30pm ; Link.

> ECR 2018, Vienna, Austria - European Congress of Radiology

M.E. Maros, B. Kämpgen, A. Förster, C. Groden, W.H. Sommer, S.O. Schönberg, T. Henzler, H. Wenz B-1582, Scientific Sesion - SS 1905 - Structured reporting and CAD, 3/4 2018; Link.
B. Kämpgen, M.E. Maros, T. Stening, W.H. Sommer, A. Klüter B-1583, Scientific Sesion - SS 1905 - Structured reporting and CAD, 3/4 2018; Link.

> DGNR 2017, Cologne, Germany - 52nd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Neuroradiology (DGNR)

Máté E. Maros, Matthias Fröhlich, Benedikt Kämpgen, Alex Förster, Christoph Groden Wieland Sommer, Stefan Schönberg, Thomas Henzler, Holger Wenz 367, Poster session - Computer science, Deutsche Gesellschaft f. Neuroradiologie (DGNR), 11/04-08 2017; Link. 
This work received the Poster Prize in Computer Science section @ 52nd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Neuroradiology (DGNR)

Academic | Federal Cooperations & Fundings

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy ( BMWi ) funds innovative research projects through its ( Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand, ZIM ) project to foster cooperation between academia and industry. We have successfully finished working on such a BMWi-ZIM Project in partnership with EMPOLIS GmbH (see by  <Projects> ). 

is a joint (consortial) project including eight German universities that have agreed to share data to enhance patient-centered research and clinical care. It is funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of the Medical Informatics Initiative (MI-I, 2015) to foster IT innovations for healthcare research and medical care. Our research group is involved in the MIRACUM Network with regard to Neurovascular and Neurooncological Use Cases. 

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is promoting 21 junior research groups with around 30 million euros (2020-2026) at the interface of computer science and medicine within the framework of the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) as a foundation for newly established medical informatics professorships. 

MIRACUM the largest MII consortium has taken on the supervision of six junior research groups with impressive research focuses in this regard.

One of which is headed by Dr. Maros since 10/2022:
Medical Informatics for Holistic Disease Models in Personalized and Preventive Medicine (MIDorAI).

Industrial Partners & Cooperations

EMPOLIS has long-lasting and extensive experience in information management. We have a working cooperation with the Healthcare Analytics Branch of EMPOLIS with Dr. Benedikt Kämpgen (Head of SU Healthcare). Our cooperation has recently been awarded federal funding by the BMWi's ZIM (see above) for a two-year time span to develop software solutions for improving the radiological reporting process. We are currently focusing on identifying automatable objective quality measures for reporting. 

Institutional Affiliations

Department of Neuroradiology

University Medical Center

Heidelberg University

This website and its contents were created by Máté E. Maros MD, MSc. The legacy version was created with Shiny from RStudio; it can be found <here>  and it (legacy) was last updated on 05/07/2024. This website is a re-formatted version created using Google Sites..